Monday, January 27, 2014

Catching Up, Slowing Down

It's been a minute.  It's been lots of minutes.  Sorry about that.  I'm pretty sure I warned you that I was not very good at keeping this here blog dusted off.  But I'm back, for now, and hopefully this time it will stick a little longer. 

It's my kiddo's 2nd birthday today.  This day brings back so many memories of happiness and fear.  If I close my eyes, I am right back in that birthing room.  It was the longest and shortest 20 hours of my life.  A complete blur.  And when it was all over at 15:17mst, there was a baby boy.  There was a 6lb 4oz, 19 inches long little boy.  And there was his Dad with tears in his eyes.  And there was me. And all of a sudden we were a family of three.  This is my favorite day of the year because it's the day where all of my dreams came true. 

In the days leading up to his birthday, I have been doing a lot of reflecting.  Thinking about what to "get" him for his special day made me think about what he really needs.  Christmas was just a few weeks ago and his grandparents did plenty of spoiling, so I was having trouble coming up with something that he either A. Didn't already have or B. Something that he really "needed".  When my thoughts circled around "nothing", it hit me.  He really doesn't need anything, except for me to be present.  I will be his present.  I will quit spending time on Facebook, I will quit playing games on my phone, and I will be more present for him.  We can't get all of the time back to make them small again.  We only have the now and I forever want to remember all of his tiny features and idiosyncrasies ...not what my high score is on Candy Crush. 

So.  For my buddy on his birthday, I am giving him the gift of time.  I'll be quitting Facebook and starting up the 'ol blog again.  Here, you can keep up with photos of Henry and follow his adventures.  I'll be sure to keep this updated (while he naps!) so all of our friends and family can continue to watch him grow. 

In the new year, it is also my goal to focus on my photography and grow my business.  I will be keeping both personal and professional blogs, and I hope that you follow them both!  Your support over the last year has been so encouraging, and I'm really looking forward to what 2014 has to offer.

See you on the flip.  


  1. Love this! What an awesome mom you are and have been. Happy Birthday Henry, we love you!

  2. Happy Happy birthday Henry and what a great reason to stop Facebook. I look forward to reading more of this blog

  3. You're awesome, Kate, and you're a great mom.

  4. Happy birthday Henry. We're glad you're in the world. And Happy Henry's Birthday to Kate and Nathan. Being good parents will take all the love and patience you have. And I've no doubt you both will do swimmingly.
