Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chickens and Hail

Where can you go wrong?  You know that either could be just as entertaining, so what would you like first?  The good news or the good news?  Okay, we'll go in sequential order.  First came the chickens.  (We're not really sure that the chickens actually came first, but in this case we're gonna go ahead and pretend that they did.)  We're babysitting chickens!  The things are easier than friggin' goldfish and it's so rewarding to slide your hand into their little coop and pull out fresh brown eggs! 

Eye see you, lady.

And then there was the hail (queue doomsday scary music).  Nathan and I rode our bikes down to a friend's house for her birthday gathering last night.  It had been beautiful, bluebird day all day long until about 5 o'clock and then Mr. Sun decided that he had done enough entertaining for the day and retreated to the comforts of his cloudy spa.  The rain started around 8:30 and continued through our ride home.  When we got home, we walked next door to make sure the chickens were locked in the coop and by the time we made it back into the house, the hail started.  Holy hail, Batman.  

The poor flowers took a beating last night!  We were thankful that we hadn't put out the veggie plants yet and that it wasn't heavy enough to damage our cars.  The yards and streets were quite a sight this morning with leaves and tree debris everywhere, but the good news is that no real damage was done.  After the hail subsided, it was nice the temperature dropped significantly and the thunder rolled in.  And, falling asleep with the windows open and thunder booming overhead is just about one of my favorite things ever :) 

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